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Cutting the ribbon on our new Cash Manager πŸŽ€
Cutting the ribbon on our new Cash Manager πŸŽ€

Meet our new Cash Manager. It has better predictions, clearer views, and more flexibility. It's never been easier to manage your cash.

Alex avatar
Written by Alex
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Businessman and author Robert Kiyosaki once said, "Making more money will not solve your problems if cash flow management is your problem." We at Syft Analytics appreciate the significance of cash flow management and are committed to helping you manage your cash with confidence.

Syft's Cash Manager tool provides a detailed, real-time overview of your cash position and financial performance based on data from your accounting provider, coupled with the power of Syft's AI predictions. Syft predicts your cash flow for up to 90 days into the future, helping you avoid cash flow surprises and ensure you don't run out of money.

The new version of Cash Manager provides better predictions, clearer views, and more flexibility. With live daily forecasts that combine your invoices, bills, and cash movements, the ability to manually adjust transactions, and the power of Syft's AI engine, Cash Manager is now better than ever before.

Let's take a look at what's new!

A simplified side panel πŸ’«

For starters, we've simplified the side panel so that you can focus more clearly on your cash inflows and outflows. The new menu includes a clear outline of upcoming cash movements as well as more detailed views of inflows and outflows to streamline your navigation of the feature. We'll take a look at each section in turn.

Overview 🧐

Under Overview, you can access all the vital information you need at a glance. We've also added the ability to drill down into expected transactions sorted by type so that you can contextualize exactly what each cash movement pertains to. You can also manually add cash transactions simply by clicking the "Add cash" button.

Pro Tip πŸ’‘: You can choose to include or exclude certain cash and cash equivalent accounts.

Moreover, you can make balance adjustments to any cash account.

Pro Tip πŸ’‘: Balance adjustments are useful if you know your underlying accounting provider (Xero, QuickBooks Online, Sage, etc.) is incorrect and want to ensure your cash balance is accurate.

If you are using Cash Manager at a consolidated level, you can choose the specific account within the underlying entity to which you want the adjustment posted. This adjustment will then be reflected in the underlying entity as well.

You can also add an overdraft facility, allowing you to take into account any sources of cash that aren't reflected in your accounting provider.

Different perspectives πŸ‘€

Want to look at your cash in a different format? Then you're in luck! You now have the ability to toggle between three different perspectives:

  1. Graph view

  2. Table view

  3. Calendar view

Calendar view is our newest view, which gives you a daily overview of the cash you can expect to receive and pay over the course of a month.

Each of these views gives you a clear picture of your cash inflows and outflows. You'll also be able to see your cash runway and cash buffer, alongside insights into your balance breakdown and forecasted breakdown for the next month.

As a reminder, this is the difference between cash runway and cash buffer:

  • Cash runway is the time until you reach a zero cash balance.

  • Cash buffer is the time until you reach a zero cash balance, assuming you don't get any more cash in.

Within Overview, you can toggle between the Cash in and cash out, Balance, and Net Movement views to focus on the perspective that is most important or impactful to your business. These will update the visuals accordingly.

Cash In πŸ’Έ

Under Cash In, you can choose to view invoices, recurring, or once-off transactions from the selectors at the top of the screen.


Under Invoices, you can see all the invoices you've created in your underlying accounting provider. There are different cards across the top of the screen to indicate invoices expected to be settled today, in the next 7 days, or in the next 8-30 days, as well as invoices expected to be overdue.

You will see both the number of invoices and their numeric value. This can help you plan to avoid cash shortfalls and determine which customers to prioritize for debt collection.

The Invoices tab allows you to toggle between current and overdue invoices, assessing each invoice's expected due date and status. This empowers you to zoom in on invoices that may need to be written off and make plans accordingly.

Customer adjustments πŸ”§

If you want to override the AI prediction for a specific customer, you can make customer adjustments to set customer-specific payment terms. If you make a customer adjustment, an icon will appear next to the customer's name, which you can hover over to see further details.

You can also override a specific invoice by clicking on the pencil next to an invoice. Here you can set specific payment terms for that invoice only.

How does it work? 🧐

Syft's AI engine anticipates the expected date an invoice will be paid based on customer payment history.

Recurring πŸ”

Under the Recurring section, you can see all manually created recurring transactions as well as those that have been projected by Syft's AI engine. You can toggle between a current and historical view, depending on where you'd like to focus your attention.

Transaction adjustments

If you want to make adjustments to manually created recurring transactions, you can do so. However, you can't edit AI-predicted transactions. Instead, you can delete or exclude unwanted predictions.


The Once-off section shows once-off cash transactions alongside the date on which they are expected to be paid. Here, you can toggle between current and historical views, add cash, and easily see any invoices that are expected to be paid tomorrow, in the next week, or in the next month.

Once-off transactions are added manually instead of pulling through from your underlying provider.

Cash Out πŸ‘‹

Under Cash Out, you will find bills, recurring transactions, and once-off transactions.


Bills includes all bills created in your data provider with a clear breakdown of the supplier, due date, amount, reference, expected date of payment, and status. Once again, you can make supplier adjustments based on information you know that is not reflected in your account provider, and you can choose to show or hide excluded bills.

You can also toggle between current and overdue bills to see which ones you should prioritize to maintain good supplier relations.


Similarly to the Cash In section, manually created recurring cash-out transactions are shown, as well as those which are automatically detected using AI, based on your transaction history. You can clearly see when these bills are due to be paid, as well as the typical frequency of payments to each supplier.


Once-off cash-out transactions are reflected in the Once-off tab, which works very similarly to the Once-off section in Cash In. Once-off transactions should be added manually where you'd like to make an adjustment to your cash outflows.

Coming soon πŸ”œ

In the next few releases, we will be adding Quotes to the Cash In section. Additionally, we will be integrating Syft's Cash Manager with external calendar providers so that you can keep track of your expected cash in and cash out alongside other daily calendar events.

What will happen to my legacy Cash Manager forecasts?

If you have been using the legacy version of this feature, don't worry. Not all is lost. Simply navigate to your Entity Settings and scroll down to "Old Features" to access the information from your previous forecasts. This will be available for the next few weeks so that you have time to transfer the necessary information to the new feature.

Closing thoughts πŸ’­

As any business owner knows, cash is king, and planning for potential cash inflows and outflows ahead of time can help you improve supplier relations, keep tabs on customers who owe you money, and ensure that you have the cash you need to not only keep your business afloat but also help it thrive. For this reason, Cash Manager is one of our most beloved tools and one in which we have invested so much time and energy.

We hope that you will enjoy the new additions to the tool, from a clearer view of upcoming cash events to improved AI predictions and greater flexibility in manual adjustments. And if you haven't used Cash Manager before, this is your sign to give it a whirl!

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