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How to approach your clients with Syft
How to approach your clients with Syft

Introducing clients to new software can be challenging. The key is to show off its benefits. Here are our top tips for showing clients Syft.

Alex avatar
Written by Alex
Updated over 5 months ago

Introducing clients to new software can be challenging, especially if they've grown accustomed with a certain way of doing things. The key is to show them how this new software will be beneficial to them - not just to you. Here are our top tips for introducing clients to Syft.

Step One: Start with the early adopters

Marketing guru, Seth Godin, urges marketers to approach a very small group of people with their new product. He refers to this group as the "otaku", a Japanese word for a young person who is obsessed with computers or particular aspects of pop culture. What Godin means by "otaku" isn't quite this specific though. What he's talking about is the people who get excited about adopting new technology, the people who are ready to hear about the new product you have.

While you may think it's a good idea to dive into the bulk of your client base when introducing a new product, it's actually better to begin with those who are most primed to try out something new - the otaku. These are typically:

  • Businesses who have been operating for less than two years;

  • Tech savvy clients; and

  • Businesses with fewer than 10 employees.

If you know that one of your clients uses a lot of other technological tools such as DropBox or other cloud solutions, then they may be more likely to try out a new reporting software.

Step Two: Timing

Pick a time when clients aren't too stressed and are ready for a fresh start to tell them about Syft and show them what is on offer. You might also want to add your client to Syft after a major data cleanup or reconciliation so you have a good, clean start.

Pick a time when clients aren't too stressed.

Step Three: Show, don't tell

One of the first things they teach you in screenwriting is that a screenwriter must show, not tell. This makes sense when it comes to the film industry as film is a visual medium, but this tip is applicable across the board. In an increasingly visual landscape where we are constantly bombarded with images, showing your client the graphs and reports available on Syft is a sure way to get the message across. As Judah Kosky, Managing Senior Partner of Fireside Bookkeeping, LLC, says:

"People are very visual. Being able to explain the financial statements with the commentary sections and having the numbers in green and red, highlighting things - they like that."

Show your clients the dashboard, their financial health score, answer their questions, and assuage any anxieties they may have.

Pro tip💡: You can compare Syft reports to the reports you used to give them before, or just send through a report and ask them for feedback. Ask your clients how much they understand from the reports and whether they like the new format or the use of color.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Step Four: Emphasize the benefits

Explain how Syft will enable your clients to make better business decisions with their financial data. Perhaps Syft has enabled you to offer a new service, a new monthly advisory package, say. Advertise this new package and show the ways in which Syft enables this to happen.

Consider what success looks like for your clients. Start with their definition of success, their unique goals, and then demonstrate how Syft will help them achieve these goals.

Explain how Syft will enable your clients to make better business decisions.

Some of the benefits you can mention include:

  • More regular and helpful meetings with your client;

  • Educating your clients about dashboard metrics and why they matter;

  • Keeping your client accountable;

  • Improved transparency;

  • Showing your clients where their results are coming from; and

  • Forecasting so that your client can act proactively rather than reactively.

Andrew Seguin, Founder of Seguin Financial, mentioned how helpful it was that Syft reports came with an automated summary, communicating vital information in words, rather than an overwhelming amount of numbers. As he said in our interview with him, Syft's automated financial report not only "reduces the workload on our end but it's providing good information for the client", which means less questions about the meaning of the information.

Step Five: Provide clarity

Make sure you are ready to answer any questions that are likely to arise, such as:

  • What will your clients need to do to get started on Syft

  • How easy the onboarding will be

  • If they will need to learn how to use Syft themselves

  • How much they will engage with Syft

  • What features you will be using with them

Make sure you are ready to answer any questions.

Syft Analytics is all about making financial data simple and understandable so that businesses can take informed action to improve their profitability, manage their cash flow, and grow.

Still struggling to introduce your clients to Syft? Have a chat with your account manager. You can find their details in your Entity Settings and they will be happy to walk you and your clients through Syft.

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